RabbitMQ Retries — The (new) Full Story

Implementing a semantic and powerful AMQP retry mechanism using DLX and Delayed Exchange.

RabbitMQ Retries — The (new) Full Story
Credits Alex Shute / Unsplash

When implementing event-driven architectures with the help of AMQP, you inevitably come to racking your brain over the message-retrying topic.

After reading a ton of documentation and making several tests over the years with one strategy or another (particularly from this post : RabbitMQ Retries — The Full Story); I often got frustrated with the solutions I came up with — feeling "hacky".

I finally came up with an elegant, simple and semantic pattern I'll try to describe here, from simplest concepts to advanced ones.


Here's the full solution diagram.

AMQP retry architecture

Our use-case

Something I dislike about other guides are the use-cases. In my opinion, a great example use-case is certainly minimalist; but realistic.

So let's take a brand new one : a notification service :

  • We're reading {some events} from {some source},
  • and dispatching them to several services. Let's say
    • email
    • and webhooks
Simple yet realistic queuing use-case

The base system features :

  • 1 exchange : notification-exchange
    — can be of any type for this example
  • 2 work queues : email-queue and webhook-queue
    — bound to the exchange
  • 2 consumers : here workers
    — one consuming each queue

Our 2 workers will try and use external services to send emails and webhooks.

Option A — The naive nack(requeue)

Starting with the simplest possible form of "retry" : a plain nack-and-requeue.

Let's just nack and requeue ?

Key concepts

  • nacking : is the way of telling AMQP "I failed handling the message"
  • requeue : is the last argument of nack
    — it will requeue the message back to the head of the queue

Some code

Here's a conceptual implementation example (Typescript, amqplib).

const amqpChannel = // connect and get it from connection

// Create exchange and queues
const notifExchange = await amqpChannel.assertExchange(
const [emailQueue, webhookQueue] = await Promise.all([

// Bind queues
await Promise.all([
  amqpChannel.bindQueue('email-queue', 'notification-exchange', ''),
  amqpChannel.bindQueue('webhook-queue', 'notification-exchange', '')
const amqpChannel = // connect and get it from connection

// Consume email
await amqpChannel.consume('email-queue', (msg) => {
  try {
    await emailService.send(composeEmail(msg))
  } catch (err) {
    amqpChannel.nack(msg, false, true)
    //                           ^ Requeue !

// Consume webhook
await amqpChannel.consume('webhook-queue', (msg) => {
  try {
    await webhookService.send(composeEmail(msg))
  } catch (err) {
    amqpChannel.nack(msg, false, true)
    //                           ^ Requeue !

Pros / cons


  • Simple and semantic, code is clean so is the architecture


  • Requeuing is made at the head of the queue, repeated failures would lead to a complete queue locking
  • Requeuing is made instantly, which would cause an extreme retry rate, so a extreme amount of subsequent service calls — like emailService.send()
  • Requeuing is made infinitely, any infinite failure will cause infinite retries, making the 2 points above even more dangerous.

Simplicity come at a cost. Read more about poison-messages.

Option B — The savior (aka DLX)

Let's go on by tackling the issues above :

Requeuing infinitely, at the head of a queue can lead to queue locking


  • How does one requeue at the tail of a queue (instead of the head) ?
  • How does one limit the number of requeues ?

We're going to use a component actually designed for this : the well known DLX, or in its full name the Dead Letter Exchange.

The savior : Dead Letter Exchange

Key concepts

  • A Dead Letter Exchange is actually a standard exchange, but setup to be the queue deadLetterExchange
await amqpChannel.assertQueue('email-queue', {
  deadLetterExchange: 'error-exchange'
  • Any discarded message on the queue will be re-routed to the DLX
    — for any discard reason : rejection with nack, expiration, ...
  • A requeue queue is bound to the Dead Letter Exchange
    — in which we handle the requeuing (⚠️ see explaination below)
  • The Dead Letter Exchange adds some useful death headers on the message to help on making decisions about requeuing.

Some code

First, we add the 'error-exchange' as deadLetterExchange of work queues, and we create a 'requeue-queue' bound to it.

const amqpChannel = // connect and get it from connection

// Create exchange and queues
const [notifExchange, errorExchange] = await Promise.all([
  amqpChannel.assertExchange('notification-exchange', 'fanout'),
  // Our brand new Exchange used as a DLX
  amqpChannel.assertExchange('error-exchange', 'fanout')
const [emailQueue, webhookQueue] = await Promise.all([
  amqpChannel.assertQueue('email-queue', {
    deadLetterExchange: 'error-exchange' // DLX Setup
  amqpChannel.assertQueue('webhook-queue', {
    deadLetterExchange: 'error-exchange' // DLX Setup
  // Our requeue handling queue

// Bind queues
await Promise.all([
  amqpChannel.bindQueue('email-queue', 'notification-exchange', ''),
  amqpChannel.bindQueue('webhook-queue', 'notification-exchange', ''),
  // Binding DLX to requeue queue
  amqpChannel.bindQueue('requeue-queue', 'error-exchange', '')

Then, we consume :

  • uppon error on work queues, we nack the message without requeing
    — the rejected messages will go through the DLX
  • we consume the 'requeue-queue' and handle requeuing logic
    — using headers added by the DLX
const amqpChannel = // connect and get it from connection

// Consume email
await amqpChannel.consume('email-queue', (msg) => {
  try {
    await emailService.send(composeEmail(msg))
  } catch (err) {
    amqpChannel.nack(msg, false, false)
    //                           ^ Don't requeue !

// Consume webhook
await amqpChannel.consume('webhook-queue', (msg) => {
  try {
    await webhookService.send(composeEmail(msg))
  } catch (err) {
    amqpChannel.nack(msg, false, false)
    //                           ^ Don't requeue !

// Consume and handle requeue
await amqpChannel.consume('requeue-queue', (msg) => {
  const {
    // The reason msg was discarded
    'x-first-death-reason': reason,
    // The queue where it happened
    'x-first-death-queue': originalQueue
  } = msg.properties.headers

  // Here we can control which discard reasons
  // for which the message should be requeued
  // I'm only keeping 'rejected' (`nack`s) ones here
  if (originalQueue == null || reason !== 'rejected') {
  // Get number of rejects from header
  const xDeaths = msg.properties.headers['x-death']
  const rejectsCount = (
    xDeaths.find(d => d.reason === 'rejected')?.count ?? -1

  const MAX_REQUEUES = 10
  // Msg reached max requeue amount
  if (rejectsCount === -1 || rejectsCount >= MAX_REQUEUES) {

  // Re-send the message to the queue
  // where it errored
  await amqpChannel.sendToQueue(

  // Don't forget to ack it from error queue

Pros / cons


  • Uppon repeated failures, the queue is not locked anymore. Requeues are made to the tail of the original queue, which releases it.
  • Still semantic and relatively simple


  • The requeues are still made almost instantly (modulo existing messages on the queue). So what's the problem with that ?

Well, let's take a step back and ask ourselves

When your partner doesn't want to get laid at the moment, do you retry him/her instantly 10 times in a row ?

I hope not, and the same goes for our use-case : an email service is unlikely to accept a new query 12ms after a failed one : it could be on an outage, or you could just have reached an API rate limit... In most cases, retrying instantly many times is actually both dangerous and ineffective.

Option C — The panacea (aka Delayed Exchange)

So our solution is working so far, but we encountered this new issue :

Requeuing almost instantly may be both dangerous and innefective.

So how does one wait before requeueing ?

We're using a new component called a Delayed Exchange as a "waiter" between retries. Check this out :

The panacea : DLW + delayed exchange

Pretty cool, huh ?

Key concepts

  • We're still using a DLX just like before
  • But this time we bound it to an intermediate queue 'error-queue'
    — this one is here to handle delays logic
  • We introduce a new 'wait-exchange' of type 'x-delayed-message'
    — it will store messages between retries
  • We move the 'requeue-queue' at the end of the chain
    - still responsible or requeuing logic

Some code

First, we create the new 'error-queue' bound to the DLX. Then we add the Delayed 'wait-exchange' and bind the 'requeue-queue' to it.

const amqpChannel = // connect and get it from connection

// Create exchange and queues
const [notifExchange, errorExchange] = await Promise.all([
  amqpChannel.assertExchange('notification-exchange', 'fanout'),
  amqpChannel.assertExchange('error-exchange', 'fanout'),
  // Our new delayed exchange
  amqpChannel.assertExchange('wait-exchange', 'x-delayed-message')
const [emailQueue, webhookQueue] = await Promise.all([
  amqpChannel.assertQueue('email-queue', {
    deadLetterExchange: 'error-exchange'
  amqpChannel.assertQueue('webhook-queue', {
    deadLetterExchange: 'error-exchange'
  // Our new error handling queue

// Bind queues
await Promise.all([
  amqpChannel.bindQueue('email-queue', 'notification-exchange', ''),
  amqpChannel.bindQueue('webhook-queue', 'notification-exchange', ''),
  // New bindings with intermediate error queue
  amqpChannel.bindQueue('error-queue', 'error-exchange', ''),
  amqpChannel.bindQueue('requeue-queue', 'wait-exchange', '')

Then, we consume

const amqpChannel = // connect and get it from connection

// Consume email
await amqpChannel.consume('email-queue', (msg) => {
  try {
    await emailService.send(composeEmail(msg))
  } catch (err) {
    amqpChannel.nack(msg, false, false)
    //                           ^ Don't requeue !

// Consume webhook
await amqpChannel.consume('webhook-queue', (msg) => {
  try {
    await webhookService.send(composeEmail(msg))
  } catch (err) {
    amqpChannel.nack(msg, false, false)
    //                           ^ Don't requeue !

// Consume and handle error
await amqpChannel.consume('error-queue', (msg) => {
  const reason = msg.properties.headers['x-first-death-reason']

  // Here we can control which discard reasons
  // for which the message should be requeued
  // I'm only keeping 'rejected' (`nack`s) ones here
  if (reason !== 'rejected') {
  // Get number of rejects from header
  const xDeaths = msg.properties.headers['x-death']
  const rejectsCount = (
    xDeaths.find(d => d.reason === 'rejected')?.count ?? -1

  // Not a rejection
  if (rejectsCount <= 0) {

  // Our requeue delays curve
    500, // 0.5 secs
    30 * 1000, // 5 secs
    1 * 3600, // 1 min
    5 * 3600, // 5 mins

  // Find duration to wait
  // before next requeue
  const nextRequeueIndex = rejectsCount - 1
  const nextRequeueDuration = REQUEUE_DELAY_DURATIONS[nextRequeueIndex] ?? null

  // Msg reached max requeue amount
  if (nextRequeueDuration == null) {

  // Send message to the wait-exchange
  await amqpChannel.publish(
      headers: {
        // Tell wait-exchange to wait for this amount
        'x-wait': nextRequeueDuration

  // Don't forget to ack it from error queue

// Consume and handle requeue
await amqpChannel.consume('requeue-queue', (msg) => {
  const originalQueue = msg.properties.headers['x-first-death-queue']

  if (originalQueue == null) {

  // Re-send the message to the queue
  // where it errored
  await amqpChannel.sendToQueue(

  // Don't forget to ack it from requeue queue

Pros / cons


  • Uppon repeated failures, we requeue the messages with predefined and growing delays between retries; until a maximum is reached.
  • Still semantic and conceptually simple


Thanks for reading 💚


Quorum queues

To mitigate the "infinite requeue" issue in a more simple way, one can configure a delivery-limit on the queues (⚠️ using quorum queues only).

Delay queues

While browsing the web, you'll land on a popular solution involving a wait-queue (instead of an delayed exchange) with a TTL setup on it, bound to another DLX.

I discourage against this practise because it has several tradeoffs.

  • Firstly, in the likely case you want to grow the delay between each retry like we just did, you'd actually need multiple wait-queues. (see caveats or per-message TTL, forcing us to use per-queue TTL)
  • Second, you're adding a new DLX; which will update on the fly the x-death headers.